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American Smooth
Posted by Anonymous
7/8/2011  5:27:00 PM
As reported in the current Australian Dance Review from a lecture and Seminar by Toni Redpath.
There is a move on to drop the word American from the American Smooth and also Rythm. This is because of the increase in participation by Russia and in Asia.
Looking from the outside, if the style was called Russian Smooth and was being introduced in America it would possibly be a good idea to drop the word Russian and leave it as Smooth and Rhythm. It would be even better if it was called The International Style Of Smooth and Rhythm. Who agrees.
Re: American Smooth
Posted by terence2
7/12/2011  1:37:00 AM

Or, what it really is..

ballroom and latin "American " style .
Re: American Smooth
Posted by Anonymous
7/12/2011  6:58:00 PM
Terence. Do you remember when the Imternational Style of Ballroom dancing was called The English Style of Ballroom Dancing. Somebody had the good sense to see that a name change was needed. If it is hoped that the now called American Smooth will spread world wide. To people who speak other languages other than English, might not be turned off by the name it is known by at the present.
Look at it this way. If you hung a sign outside your studio in outer Mongolia, American Smooth Dance Classes here. Wouldn't it look more attractive if you could write the International Smooth Style of Ballroom Dancing taught here.
Re: American Smooth
Posted by terence2
7/15/2011  3:56:00 AM
Do I remember ? of course I do and English Rumba !! ( an oxymoron ).

fair to say back when, the English "style" did dominate on a world wide basis, however, the American style has grown in leaps and bounds in recent yrs and is taught in several European countries and some in the antipodes.

In matter of fact, I recently did a mini w/shop in a high profile Medal and Comp. style studio,showcasing.. W. F.T. T and Bolero. It was well received and , they are attempting to put forth a class course for me to teach ( Silver level ) .

Ive often stated that, the American style Bronze level is the best around, catering to 13 different dances .
Re: American Smooth
Posted by dancer
7/17/2011  11:08:00 AM
The name "American" Smooth is old and needs to be updated to just Smooth and Rhythm.I agree, it would help to expand the dance all over the world.
Re: American Smooth
Posted by Anonymous
7/17/2011  4:18:00 PM
Terence. You have not answered the question. Would it look more atractive if American Smooth and Rhythm, the name be renamed the. " International Smooth and Rhythm Style of Ballroom Dancing ? ".
It would appear that you don't think so

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